Migraine Headache has become very prevalent and one of the most debilitating chronic disorder of today.

Migraine Headache is common in women, affecting between 20-40 years of age which is the most productive and active periods of one’s life.

Migraine Headache

is characterized by severe throbbing one sided headache. It usually increases with increased physical activity or restricts physical activity. This may be associated with sensitivity to light and sound, nausea and vomiting.

Image result for Migraine

Migraine Headache TRIGGERS:

  1. Certain types of food
  2. Hormonal changes
  3. Environmental changes
  4. Stress
  5. Sleep deprivation

Migraine Headache – VESTIBULAR (BALANCE) SYMTOMS: Migraine is associated with balance problem in large number of patients. Balance problems may be in the form of imbalance, intolerance to head movements, rotatory vertigo, loss of balance, along with neck pain, shoulder pain. This is also quite commonly associated with anxiety, panic, palpitation.

Balance problems may occur before, during or after headaches or may be completely independent of migraine.

Migraine Headache – TREATMENT:

It can be treated effectively by a combination of:

  1. Medications
  2. Vestibular rehabilitation exercises
  3. Life style modifications

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It has become one of the most debilitating disorders, affecting the most productive years of one’s life.

Around 30-40% of patients with Migraine, also have some or the other balance related disorders. These balance disorders may present in the form of IMBALANCE, ROTATORY VERTIGO, LIGHT HEADEDNESS, HEAVY HEADEDNESS, MOTION INTOLERANCE / SENSITIVITY, INTOLERANCE TO HEAD AND NECK MOVEMENTS, SPATIAL DISORIENTATION etc..

These symptoms may can before, after, accompanying headaches or may be completely independent of the headaches. Many of the times, patients present with only imbalance independent of headaches.

Positional vertigo or BPPV is also commonly seen with vestibular migraine.

Diagnosis is mainly bases on history and examination.

Management of the condition also depends on the major presenting symptom and treatment can also be customized depending on what is bothering the patient the most.


Several studies have show that there is a link between migraine and depression. It is also shown that migraine patients more likely also suffer from anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, bipolar disorder.

Migraine and depression may also be linked as they may be caused by similar brain chemicals.

Migraine can also lead to depression owing to its chronicity, pain, disability and reduced quality of life.

It is said that migraine affected develop depression 5 times more often than people without migraines.

Patients may suffer from depressed mood, lack of sleep, loss of interest in activities, increase fatigue, irritability along with headaches.

So, it becomes necessary to identify these patients accurately and treat them accordingly.