“VERTIGO / Dizziness / Feeling Dizzy
Dizziness is a very distressing symptom which often restricts the daily activities of the individual and confines them to bed. This is also the reason for psychological stress and anxiety as the patient is usually unable to understand the reason for this agony.
VERTIGO can be due to either an inner ear problem or a problem in the balance pathway in the brain. Vertigo can be treated effectively and reasonably irrespective of where the problem lies if it is analyzed well.
Patients experience with Dr Tejaswini's Treatment for vertigo. The Vertigo Clinic, Bengaluru
- Benign Paroxysmal positional vertigo:
This is the most common cause of vertigo. Patients here usually present with complaints of giddiness on turning the head to one side, getting up from bed, rolling in bed which lasts for less than 1 minute. This may be associated with nausea / vomiting and also an acute sense of fear to move the head even an inch.
The causes of this are numerous like ageing, minor or major head injuries, vitamin D deficiency etc.
The treatment of this is very SIMPLE in CONTRAST to the distress the patient undergoes.
This is also one of the common causes of vertigo. Here, along with vertigo, patients also suffers from ringing sensation in the ear with difficulty in hearing. The vertigo in this disorder lasts hours with nausea, vomiting and sweating.
Causes of this are various but most of the times, no cause can be ascertained.
Treatment: First a detailed history (most important) and relevant investigations are needed to arrive at a diagnosis. The treatment starts with a medical line and further modes of treatment can be explored depending on the response of the patient.
The patient here complains of vertigo lasting seconds, minutes or hours along with severe throbbing, one sided headache lasting hours with nausea and vomiting. Diagnosis depends on history and exclusion of other causes of headache and this can be treated medically.
- VESTIBULAR NEURONITIS: Here the vertigo can last for days with nausea, vomiting and sweating. Initially patient may need bed rest and vestibular sedatives depending on the severity of symptoms. But the main stay of treatment here is VESTIBULAR REHABILITATION.
Note: These are some of the common causes of vertigo but there exists a whole lot of other causes which can be diagnosed with proper history and clinical examination.
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